Welcome to another week on the road to Kona... This week I learned the importance of the extra training that doesn't appear on the training schedule. Over the past three years, I've had plantar fasciitis, tight IT bands and a sprained rotator cuff. The common element in each - a lack of the "extra" stuff like using a foam roller or functional strength training. I used to fall into the habit of doing my workout, then going home and usually taking a nap. Well, this year I am making a change and finding time for all the extra stuff.

I started by visiting Liz Yerly at Accelerated Rehab for some help with my IT Bands. It is still early in the season and I didn't want to have an injury slow me down so soon, and Liz and Accelerated really helped me learn some great functional strength training and Active Release Therapy that has made a real difference with my IT bands.
I am also a big fan of the Trigger Point products, especially when our Chihuahua Katie tags along.
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